First of all, we sincerely hope that despite the Corona crisis, everyone is doing well, because health is paramount!


Just like us, many Italy enthusiasts will undoubtedly have followed the development of the situation in your home country, Italy and the rest of Europe with great interest and possible questions. Fortunately, the outlook after the start of the vaccinations looks a lot better than a while ago. Of course, we hope it stays that way, although we are very aware that COVID-19 is still there and may re-emerge.


The past period has also been very uncertain for us, because we didn’t know how this would develop. We do everything we can to ensure that our guests enjoy their well-deserved holiday in a responsible and Corona-proof way. With regard to rules for traveling within Europe, we recommend that you keep a close eye on the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Tourist or Travel Board of your own country for regular updates on the situation and advice.


Due to the current situation, we have decided to receive only a limited number of guests. This allows us to amply meet the requirements and offer everyone enough space to enjoy a wonderful holiday. Il bel sogno is very small-scale and has sufficient space on its premises and around the swimming pool, so that the extra hygiene measures (to minimize the chance of infection with the COVID-19 virus) can be implemented properly. The guest rooms are self-sufficient and all camping pitches have their own assigned shower, toilet and washbasin in the sanitary building.


Of course, we need the full cooperation and understanding of all our guests regarding the additional measures we must take. This allows us to create a safe environment for everyone to continue to enjoy the surrounding tranquillity, space and culture by all of us. In the document below we have summarised the main measures for this summer, which will be updated or changed if necessary based on adapted provisions issued by the Italian government. If you have any questions, we are always available by email, phone or WhatsApp.


We thank everyone for the trust placed in us and hopefully see you in good health in Le Marche.



Keep in mind that there is a good chance that (annual) events, including the various sagra's and local festivals, will still not be allowed to be organized this year.


Il bel sogno: COVID-19 Measures (version 01 January 2021)
COVID-19 Measures_20210101.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document 170.6 KB